Best Meals for Camping
Many campers, particularly those traveling alone, forego the chore of preparing their meals. While cooking over a blazing hot campfire is a traditional camping activity, it may be time and energy-intensive. If you're camping alone, save time and energy by choosing simple meals that don't need cooking; you'll also have nothing to clean up afterward!
Try these fast and simple no-cook camping meals; you'll wonder why you waited so long to try them!

To Start the Day
Breakfast is said to be the most essential meal of the day, so choose foods that will provide you with energy for the rest of the day. A quick, no-cook power meal for breakfast is all you need to start your day off right.
Breakfast at camp comes with its own set of challenges. You have all the added duties of having camp pulled down and packed if you're moving camp that day. Or maybe you have a full day of sightseeing planned. You want to make sure everyone gets a healthy meal to get them through until lunch, particularly because who’ll be using a lot of physical energy all day.
There are plenty of tasty, energy-boosting snacks to try, such as cereal with fresh fruit and milk (best consumed the next morning after arriving at camp to ensure freshness of fruits and milk), a peanut butter and banana sandwich, yogurt topped with granola (made at home), or a bean salad with greens (black beans, greens, corn, salsa, avocado, and shredded carrots).
For Lunch
You'll most likely be out and about in the middle of the day, so you'll want something fast yet filling for lunch (which you'll most likely eat on the trail or away from your campground). Sandwiches and subs (with your choice of meat, vegetables, and sauce/dressing) are excellent options. Tuna salad (served with bread, crackers, or salad toppings) and cold cuts are two more healthy no-cook lunch options (again eaten with bread or crackers). On a hot day, add a cup of cold soup.
To Serve at Dinner
Allow yourself to enjoy a campfire without having to cook your meal over it. You will be able to rest and relax throughout the night by bypassing preparation, cooking, and cleaning up with ready-to-eat meals that do not need cooking.
You may try chicken salad spaghetti (prepped and cooked at home), cold-roast turkey in a pita (best served with a side salad or coleslaw), and roast beef wrap as no-cook supper alternatives (wrap with cheese, onion, tomato, lettuce, and hummus to make it more filling).
Consider hosting a cheese board for dinner so everyone may contribute. Cheeses, bread, crackers, grapes, sliced meats, hummus, and more are available.
While a hot, freshly prepared dinner is always welcome at camp, no-cook meals for camping allow you to relax and enjoy your vacation more!
Do you need additional ideas for quick camp meals? Visit the Woods Built website for family camping meals for your next camping trip